Established in 2003, ETIC facilitates the transfer of e-business technologies developed by the University’s E-Business Technology Institute (ETI) to the market and has made significant progress
手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫電子商業科技研究所

Choy Lee Motors was established in 1976, Hong Kong. The company began its business, trading public mini-buses and taxis. We were also the exclusive motor vehicle insurance agent for three insurance c

A物業地產 / 服務式住宅Asia Interactive Corp

Mobile App 社交網絡分享 將程式及推廣活動分享到使用者的Facebook及Twitter等社交網絡,令你的iPhone App及商戶產品或服務更廣泛流傳。 創意手機互動遊戲 Inspirr手機程式開發團隊提供具創意的遊戲程式開發及設計服務。 商業應用程式開發 服務包括﹕應用程式設計及開發 用戶介面設計﹑CMS網上管理平台設計﹑數據寄存服務﹑服務及產品保養﹑應用程式推廣及宣傳 IPad應

Business operations are very complicated today impelling specific application functions and features becoming more and more demanding. Nevertheless, ready-made software applications may not fulfill a

星級形象顧問 – 黃欐堯 著名形象設計師黃欐堯Celia,曾擔任電影助理美術指導、時裝連鎖店櫥窗設計、廣告平面設計,曾為陳慧琳,江若琳,孫耀威,謝安琪等任形象指導! Celia Wong為你打造全新形象 (1)Personal Styling Class - 星級個人形象指導(一對一) - Professional Personal Styling Advise - Celia 給予
d美容 / 形象顧問dada image & beauty consultation

Expanding Internet applications service provider for Beauty and Education Industries invites the qualified candidates for the following vacancies.

We are a small cattery located in Hong Kong. We specialized in producing both Himalayan & Exotics, including colorpoint & lynx point. We are not a pet store and do not provide “stuck se

2物業地產 / 服務式住宅218 338 Apartment


::嫁妝坊::專業新娘/姊妹/宴會化妝及髮型設計 特點: <為保證一對一貼身服務,所有新娘化妝服務絕不走場> <本人設計之帽飾獲選為2007年度莎莎銀袋日十大帽飾,只此一家-部份自家設計handmade頭飾供應給一英資零售店 <客戶可免費借用不斷更新款式禮帽/台式閃石頭飾> <定期為雜誌作化妝造型,全面掌握如何在不同埸合燈光塑造立體妝容> <以租場
美容 / 化妝嫁妝坊

925 Silver Collection reasonableprice charming design wholesale price for large amount any enquiry: Email: [email protected] More items: we will immediate send back mo

高檔裝修,即时起租,酒店服务式管理,往尖沙咀的免費穿梭巴士時時接送,的士站穿梭香港各 區,步行至紅磡鐵路站僅需几分鐘, 景觀位置一流,兩房兩廳設計,現小房招租,所有家用电器俱全,只需每个月分摊电费,水费管理费WIFI全免,拎包入住,有固定工作穩定收入的女士優先!

b美容 / 化妝beauty in eye

手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫聯訊系統有限公司

Bay's Gem & Pearl Co. Ltd Ms. Liu 2376 0855
設計 / 珠寶設計太湖珍珠寶石有限公司

J汽車及電單車 / 汽車及電單車優惠JCAM Advanced Mobility Company Ltd

Open art platform to provide rent free services Overseas networking Care about heritage and city development Mount Annual City Festival General Enquiries [email protected] Tel (852) 2521 7251 (

Manks Quarters Limited is the real estate arm of Manks Limited
M物業地產 / 服務式住宅Manks Quarters
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